Saturday, June 23, 2007

Absolute (Anonymous) Power Corrupts Absolutely

I applaud Ann Calhoun for putting her foot down and changing her blog settings so that anonymous users couldn't comment on her articles. We can all understand that when you're posting anonymously, you can practically say anything you want without ridicule, scrutiny or the possibility of retribution over comments made. At the same time, accountability is lost in the equation; in the pursuit of posting your uncensored thoughts.

Now what does this really say about Los Osos?
  • The proof and validity for claims are disregarded, unacknowledged and at times, maliciously ignored. Taxpayers Watch members and former (recalled) CSD directors have proven to be the most ignorant. Instead, they counter statements with character assassinations of people who they believe are writing to them. Here are a list of names that Taxpayers Watch members have attributed to people who dissent from their statements and ideas: Conspiracy Boy, Orenco Boy, "dumbshit obstructionist," simply "dumbshit," Al, Joey. All of these names are merely pathetic attempts to make their opinions matter more. I'd like to call these "euphoric jousts," because it makes them feel better to put on label on someone.
  • They demand facts and numbers even though they never support their own statements with factual claims. Shark Inlet, a staunch Tri-W supporter and psuedo-intellectual politico, says that, " one besides [him], Richard, the County and Ripley have put numbers out there." After sorting through the archives on's discussion boards and Ann Calhoun's blog articles, he never posted any "numbers," any "data," any PDFs referring to independent non-county figures. Instead, he relied on Richard LeGros to break out his Excel spreadsheet of his cost-benefit analysis and even Richard failed to provide any statistical data behind those figures.
Claims triumph over fact. Tri-W is still considered the cheaper, legally permitted plan. No proof. Everyone on the blog who disagrees with the Taxpayers Watch is a Section 8 renter (Al). No proof. Everyone on the blog who disagrees with the Taxpayers Watch is someone who climbs up trees and calls himself an environmentalist (Joey). No proof. Anyone who disagrees with the Taxpayers Watch is "Conspiracy Boy." It isn't a conspiracy when it's proven: keep that in mind.

So go ahead, make my day. Post what you want to post and let the world see what you're all about.

We do allow anonymous posting because we reserve the right to print out these comments and show the community what some members of the community actually believe, and to be completely honest with you, we believe it's the funniest s$#@.


Mike Green said...

Good on ya and good luck!

4crapkiller said...

There is not an iota of truth to the Los Osos Journal. Beware of Greeks bearing gifts!

Do you own research. This person can only give you unfounded speculation and twisted history. Don't believe me, do research.

In any case what he writes has nothing to do with reality. The county has taken over the process to produce a sewer, only the property owners will be able to vote on the assessment, and if the assessment passes the BOS of SLO will decide.

Bad luck! May your cats crap on your bed! Mike Green will be sure to help you clean up since he supports your viewpoint.

Mike Green said...

Crappy, you seem to have been busted! And as far as no truth here, you only strive to prove the point by example.
As far as cat crap and toxoplasmosis goes, I hope you get treatment soon.
Go take some smart pills, you need it.

4crapkiller said...

I have no cats, and no dogs. How
many do you or your neighbors have?

Well, Mike, if you support a viewpoint, you take it on as your own. If you support a person who is involved with character assassination then you must not mind it, as long as it supports your view.

But you know this is wrong, regardless. Any person of human excellence knows this. And so there is clean up to do. Clean it up for your benefit, certainly not mine. YOU ARE WHO YOU ARE ASSOCIATED WITH.

I have absolutely no idea if you have cats or the owner of this blog has any. I do know that unless they are kept inside, their poop is a health hazard.

In the first comment to this blog here, you have linked yourself to it. Was it a smart decision? We shall see in the future. But at this time you cannot unlink. At the same time you make yourself a believer of a highly speculative possible bomb thrower without really understanding this person's nature or agenda.

I have not been busted. I am not a person that throws bombs, trashes blogs, fosters conspiracy theories, or allegations of bribes and kickbacks.

The business of cat crap on his/her bed is truly wildly unfounded speculation. It made no sense and you did not catch how illogical it was or take the stupid statement to task. However, you are shy in taking ANY stupid statement to task, especially those who you agree with. You are afraid to confront idiots and will pay a terrible price if the 218 vote does not pass.

Time to put up or get off the pot.

Thank you for your response, I definitely know what "smart pills" are: they do not exist. If they existed, everyone would take them.

I doubt that anyone eats rabbit crap AKA "smart pills" (really old joke) and thinks this makes them smart. You?

Beating the drums for a sewer is not unproductive, it is equivalent to prayer. Sometimes prayers are answered, but you may not get what you pray for, which is the essence of the Blakeslee bill. And if you simply beat the cargo cult drums, you may wait a very long time for cargo.

Consider if you have been had!